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The Diamond Youth Foundation relies on the support of individuals, corporations, foundations and government entities to support our effort in mentoring the youth of the Western Suburbs of Chicago and providing scholarships for students to  attend four-year institutions of higher education. We know the successes and milestones reached over the years would not be possible without the help of individuals like you.


Thank you for your support of our efforts to provide scholarships and mentoring to the youth of the Western Suburbs, and for impacting the lives of hundreds of students with your contributions.



We welcome the assistance of the business community. Contact us for sponsorship opportunities.



Maybe you do not have the time to spare but you would like to provide financial assistance to our efforts.  The DYF offers opportunities for individual financial support.  Please see below.

Levels of Giving - Carat (ct.) refers to the unique unit of weight measurement used exclusively to weigh gems and diamonds. Carat weight is often confused with visual size even though it is actually a measurement of weight.  Once cut, color, and clarity grade have been determined, the carat weight of a diamond can be established to fit within a budget.  Larger diamonds are much more valuable because they are discovered in nature much less frequently than small ones.


Ways to Donate  

Click the Karat level below and you will be taken to the PayPal website

PayPal, Credit, and Debit Card Users will incur a processing fee:

Levels of Giving 


Koh-I-Noor - $10,000.00  

Koh-I-Noor is Persian for  “Mountain of Light”. It’s a 105 carat (21.6 grams) diamond that was once the largest known diamond in the world.


Sancy - $5,000.00

The Sancy diamond is a 55.23 carat (11.05 grams) pale yellow diamond that was once reputed to have belonged to the Great Muhgals of antiquity.  This diamond is the first large diamond to be cut with symmetrical facets. The stone is also unusual because it has no pavilion – just a pair of crowns, one on the other. 


Cullinan - $2,500.00

The Cullinan Diamond is a 3,106.75 carat (621.35 grams) diamond and is the largest rough gem quality diamond ever found in the world. The largest polished gem from the stone is named Cullinan I or The Great Star of Africa, and at 530.2 carats (106.0 grams) it was the largest diamond of any color in the world until 1985. 


Moussaieff Red Diamond - $1,000.00

The Moussaieff Red Diamond is a 5.11 carat (1.022 g) diamond with a triangular brilliant cut that rated as Fancy Red in colour by the Gemologial Institute of America (GIA). Although Moussaieff is relatively small compared to other expensive diamonds, this is the largest fancy red diamond ever rated by GIA.


Allnatt - $500.00

The Allnatt diamond measures 101.29 carats (20.258 g) with a cushion cut.


Full Carat - $200.00

1/2 Carat - $100.00

1/4 Carat - $50.00

Other - Give as you please (unspecified amount)

We also have other ways to make your donation 
Zelle: (Username)  
CashApp:  $DYF501 (Username) 
Venmo:  @DYF501 (Username) 


All donations are greatly appreciated.



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